Meet the Coalition

NATURE RESTORATION IS ESSENTIAL to meeting the world’s climate goals, but nature-based projects are complex and challenging to get right. Projects that integrate new technology and research to better measure outcomes, equitably engage Indigenous Peoples and local communities, and balance carbon sequestration benefits with other environmental co-benefits can come with significant cost.

As a result, the nature-based carbon removal market has been hampered by a perceived lack of high-quality restoration projects and uncertainty around willingness to pay, keeping investors on the sidelines and eroding public trust in nature-based credits’ potential for climate and social impact. Coalition members commit to addressing these challenges by signing long-term offtake agreements for projects that incorporate conservative assumptions on climate impact, draw on the best available science and practice, and equitably involve and compensate Indigenous Peoples and local communities. 

Through a strong demand signal and a willingness to pay the real cost that it takes to develop these high-quality projects, Coalition members aim to partner with like-minded investors, NGOs, market standard setters, and project developers to clarify the bar for what “good” restoration looks like and enable more of these projects to happen.

  • Through Symbiosis, members will commit to offtake through 2030 to spur the development of new projects, bringing to market the volume that corporates need to meet climate goals.

  • Symbiosis wil enable corporates to ban together around a single, trusted quality standard that pull from the latest data and science and build on existing market standards.

  • Symbiosis will facilitate a joint RFP on behalf of its members, simplifying the procurement process for high-quality, nature-based removals and sending a strong market signal to project developers

  • Symbiosis will educate project developers and investors to build a pipeline of projects and transparently share lessons learned.

Coalition Founding Members:
Coalition leadership:
  • Executive Director

    Julia has worked across the non-profit, public, and private sectors to advance positive impact at the intersection of climate change, nature, and finance. Her experience includes The Nature Conservancy, the California Governor’s Office of Planning and Research, Blue Forest, New Forests, and NCX. Julia's most recent role is as Director of the Climate and Nature Finance Collaborative at ZOMALAB. Julia co-founded and co-hosts the podcast focused on natural climate solutions, “Solving Climate, Naturally.”

    Julia has her MBA and MS in Environment and Resources with a focus on land use from Stanford Graduate School of Business (GSB) and a BA in environmental studies with a focus on biodiversity conservation from Yale University.