Quality criteria for reforestation and agroforestry projects
Reforestation and agroforestry projects that count towards the Symbiosis commitment must meet the following quality criteria and submit independently verifiable evidence of the following:
Projects meet the requirements of a peer-reviewed and publicly consulted reforestation, agroforestry, or ARR quantification methodology.
Projects use a dynamic performance benchmark that tracks carbon stock change in statistically matched controls throughout the project’s lifetime and sufficiently demonstrate financial and other forms of additionality. Projects provide acceptable justification of control selection or any alternative baseline approaches.
Projects eliminate the effect of leakage by maintaining agricultural production, applying an appropriate discount based on peer-reviewed science, or some other Symbiosis-approved approach.
Project quantification is based on directly measured in-situ data and transparently reported data and models.
Projects are explicitly designed to reduce reversal risk, annually monitored to increase transparency, and are designed to maintain carbon stocks after a limited crediting period.
1a. If pursuing certification through Verra, demonstrate a path to achieving certification through VM0047 methodology and the ABACUS label or alignment with the ABACUS label principles
1b. If pursuing certification through a different standard, demonstrate adherence to the high-level principles of VM0047 and the ABACUS label through a Symbiosis-approved analysis
…and albedo effect does not negate net carbon removal benefits.
…that is not stressing the local environment
…such as community management status or other nationally approved or recognized method and avoid areas with land tenure disputes.
For social and community engagement and benefits, this should include that the outcomes of the project are equitable, that the project is designed and will be implemented in consultation with local stakeholders, gives proper consideration to the needs and interests of local stakeholders, and there is a plan for and evidence of ongoing community engagement and consultation throughout the project period.
For biodiversity outcomes, this should include a clear plan to implement practices aligned with the CCB label and a science-based plan to track outcomes throughout the project period.
…for purposes of evaluating the types and terms of community benefits conferred (whether direct or indirect financial benefit), and the proportion of those benefits that reach the community.
Reforestation and agroforestry projects that meet the criteria listed above and submit independently verifiable evidence of the following will be prioritized during the RFP process:
…and appropriately diverse species mix
This plan should include documentation and a path for reporting and monitoring whether measurable biodiversity targets are achieved. Standout projects will indicate how the biodiversity conservation/uplift plan tracks to Global Biodiversity Framework targets
The following independent technical experts reviewed and provided input to the Reforestation and Agroforestry quality criteria.
University of the Sunshine Coast
University of California, Santa Cruz
Caron Direct
Conservation International
BeZero Carbon
One Acre Fund
Carbon Direct
The Nature Conservancy